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The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in Moldova: weaknesses, strengths and future opportunities. Victor Chirila. APE 23.12.2008
Summary: The ENP has given a new more dynamic impetus to Moldova’s relations with the EU. In the last years, the presence and influence of the EU in Moldova has increased remarkably, the Moldova – EU political cooperation has become more active, broader and deeper,
The EU's Sovereign Neighbours. Nicu Popescu. 01.12.2008
The EU has an almost annual ritual of mending its often-criticised policy towards its eastern neighbours - the so-called European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) -- through various upgrades such as the ‘New Ostpolitik', the ENP Plus, enhanced ENP, Black Sea Synergy and, most recently, the Eastern
Russia in Moldova: A Counter-Example to Ukraine and Georgia? Vladimir Socor. Eurasia Daily Monitor 26.09.2008
Russia and Moldova are exploring a possible settlement of the Transnistria conflict on a bilateral basis, outside the international 5 + 2 format. Russia is the initiator of this approach, pulling a reluctant but still hopeful Moldova along. The Russian-desired outcome would: reunify Moldova nominally, albeit under Russian oversight; show that Russia can single-handedly settle a “frozen” conflict in Europe’s East, marginalizing the Euro-Atlantic community in the EU’s own neighborhood; and demonstrate that countries such as Moldova that do not seek to join NATO can hope for a more lenient Russian treatment, unlike Georgia and Ukraine, which Russia threatens to dismember or partition if they progress toward NATO membership.
The EU should re-engage with Moldova's 'frozen conflict'. Nicu Popescu. EUObserver 30.08.2008
Recently, the EU has learned that a war over an obscure place such as South Ossetia can shatter the arrangements of post-Cold War Europe. The armed conflict between Russia and Georgia has reverberated even more shockingly across the post-Soviet space. Without stronger engagement with its neighbours, the EU might end up with a bi-polar Europe, not a "ring of friends" in its neighbourhood.
Analysis: Moldova Pushes For Transdniester Settlement. Andrei Popov. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 27.07.2008
Representatives of all parties involved in the Transdniester settlement process gathered in Moldova for informal discussions on July 21-23. First, the 3+2 format – the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Russia, and Ukraine, as mediators, and the European Union and the United States, as observers -- held separate meetings with Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin and Transdniester "vice president" Aleksandr Korolyov. The region's de facto president, Igor Smirnov, demonstratively chose not to attend.Then the same group participated in a meeting of the heads of joint expert groups for socioeconomic issues set up between Chisinau and Tiraspol. Finally, informal consultations were held within the complete 5+2 format, including the Moldovan and Transdniester chief negotiators focusing exclusively on proposals for advancing confidence-building measures between the two sides.
NATO Summit Sends Ambiguous Message on Russian Troops in Moldova and Georgia. Vladimir Socor. Jamestown Monitor. 11.04.2008
Under Parallel Actions, NATO would accept a promise of Russian troop withdrawal from Moldova in lieu of actual withdrawal. It only speaks of withdrawal of ammunition (not troops) “when possible,” without a time-table and implying through that wording that the withdrawal might be conditional (although the 1999 documents had eliminated any conditionality). The proposal allows Russia to retain “peacekeeping” troops in Moldova as part of an internationalized operation; but Russia can be expected to stonewall any such internationalization, undoubtedly cite the lack of agreement on it as an excuse for keeping its troops in Moldova.
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The new presidents of Bulgaria and Moldova are less pro-Russian than advertised.The Economist. 14.11.2016 11.11.2016
Victoria Bucataru of the Foreign Policy Association, a Moldovan think-tank, suspects that Mr Dodon and Mr Plahotniuc had “a secret alliance” to stop Ms Sandu and her reform agenda. She anticipates that Mr Dodon will follow his announced first visit to Moscow with a reassuring one to Brussels. His election
Moldova Elections Aren’t About Europe or Russia. They’re About Moldova.Andrew Kolb.German Marshall Fund. 10.11.2016 11.11.2016
After this week’s U.S. election, not many in the United States or Western Europe are focused on the elections that are taking place in Moldova. Those who have been following saw a fascinating political drama unfold, as Maia Sandu took 38 percent of the vote to Socialist Party’s Igor
Crisis in Moldova. A republic, if you can steal it. The Economist. 30.01.2016 01.02.2016
IN 1918 the then three-month-old Moldovan republic gave up the struggle for survival and united with neighbouring Romania. It is a sign of how dire things are today, says Iulian Fota, a Romanian analyst, that people are talking about doing so again. Ever since 2014, when the embezzlement of about
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Interview with Mr. Ion Sturza, ex Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova: „It is not Putin who is powerful, it is the global leaders who are weak “. 23.03.2014 23.03.2014 // 92.702Kb

Mr. Sturza (53 years old) has started his political carrier in 1999 and became well-known for his nine-month running of the government. Although he withdrew from the political scene, many conationals would be in favor of his presidency in the county across the Prut River (Republic of Moldova – note
Interview with Victor Chirila: Moldova is close to becoming politically and institutionally failed state. Info-Prim Neo. 27.05.2013. 28.05.2013
The Republic of Moldova is very close to becoming a politically and institutionally failed state that will be ignored by its main foreign partners. According to Victor Chirila, executive director of the Foreign Policy Association, the only chance to avoid this collapse is to form a pro-European Government consisting of
Interview with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, to the Lithuanian website 13.07.2012
Nicolae Timofti: I mean a bridge for people, goods and ideas to cross it over. In the Republic of Moldova, we have experts and institutions which are familiar with both East and West. Hundreds of thousands of Moldovans have travelled in Western Europe during the last years and continue to
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REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL, Fourth Report on the implementation by the Republic of Moldova of the Action Plan on Visa Liberalisation. 21.06.2013. 21.06.2013 // 215.386Kb

Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2012 Regional Report: Eastern Partnership, Brussels, 20.3.2013, SWD(2013) 85 final 21.03.2013

Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Republic of Moldova, Progress in 2012 and recommendations for action, Brussels, 20.3.2013, SWD(2013) 80 final 21.03.2013 // 203.862Kb

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Frontiers of Democracy:Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability/ CEU/Visegrad Fund/APE. Edited by Bogdan Mihai Radu and Zsuzsanna Végh 02.02.2017
Democratization is a complex process that entails both critical choices of new institutions, and the rooting of those institutions in the societal ethos. Much of the literature on democratic transition, consolidation and Europeanization has been dominated by the study of legal and institutional crafting, especially concerning the post-communist and post-Soviet
Corneiul Ciurea: Confidence-Building in Moldova: Domestic and External Security Challenges. EU/ CIPDD/ APE/ PIC /EaP/ CSF 25.08.2016
Moldova’s security requires a consistent response to home-grown corruption and the risk of resulting political destabilisation along side the risks posed by the Russia Ukraine conflict and information warfare. Confidence-Building in Moldova:Domestic and External Security Challenges assesses the priorities for a security strategy to rebuild trust among citizens and strengthen
Dovilė Šukytė,Victoria Bucătaru,Simonas Čepėnas,Hennadiy Maksak,Svetlana Rogov,Iurii VdovenkoECONOMIC CHALLENGES OF UKRAINE AND MOLDOVA ON THE WAY TO EU. 22.02.2016 // 922.737Kb

The study is a result of the Capacity Building for Moldovan and Ukrainian NGOs to Assess the Economic Impact of Politically Motivated Actions project made possible by the re-granting mechanism of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, which includes assistance of the European Union and the National Endowment for Democracy.
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Weekly Radio Programme 01.02.2009

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