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Statement by the Civil Society Representatives on the commitments made by the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, in Moscow 20.01.2017
On January 17-18, while paying an official visit to Moscow, Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of Moldova, made a series of reprehensible statements, which are in conflict with the constitutional provisions, override the national interests, deepen the social division, jeopardize the economic security of the country, seriously tarnish the image of Moldova as a responsible partner, and create tensions in our relations with all the other strategic partners of the country, particularly EU, Romania, and Ukraine.
COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Luxembourg, 25 June 2013, 11472/13, PRESSE 290
Joint Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Commissioner Štefan Füle on the no-confidence vote taken by the Moldovan Parliament on 5 March 2013 , EUROPEA4 U4IO4 Brussels, A 113/13 06.03.2013
"We take note of today's no-confidence vote of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the dismissal of the Moldovan Government that ensues. This vote takes place as Moldova has made substantial progress in its visa liberalisation process and the completion of ambitious negotiations on an EU-Moldova Association Agreement is within sight.
Council of the European Union, Press Release, 3222nd Council meeting Foreign Affairs, Brussels, 18 February 2013 19.02.2013
Stefan Fule speech: EU-Moldova Forum organised by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik / Berlin, Germany. 22 October 2012. 26.10.2012
It may well be a historic challenge. What we need is goodwill backed by a well-balanced sense of self-interest. Our current negotiations show how similar the European Union and Moldova are in that respect. Can I therefore conclude with a reference to the Treaty on the European Union, whose Article 49 shows us the way forward: “Any European State which respects the European values and is committed to promoting them may apply to become a member of the Union.”
Speech by President Barroso to European Union Heads of Delegation, Annual Conference of EU Heads of Delegation, EUSR and Chargés d'Affaires /Brussels. 4 September 2012 04.09.2012
We have concluded negotiations with Ukraine but the signing of the Agreement will depend on Kiev’s commitment to the European values. I hope that by the 3rd Eastern Partnership Summit, which will take place next year, more of these Agreements will be concluded, notably with Moldova.
The Answer of the High Representative, Vice President of the European Commission Catherine Ashton and the Member of the European Commission, Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom 08.08.2012
The Visa-free Europe Coalition, Warsaw, 21 June 2012 08.08.2012
The Visa-free Europe Coalition is calling upon the European Commissionto propose progression of the Republic of Moldova to the second phase ofthe implementation of the Action Plan on Visa Liberalisation (APVL).
Chair's conclusions: Eastern Partnership Foreign Ministers Meeting, Brussels, 23 July 2012 24.07.2012
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union concerning restrictive measures against the leadership of the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Brussels, 8 June 2012 08.06.2012
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision 2012/170/CFSP amending Decision 2010/573/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against the leadership of the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Brussels, 8 June 2012.
The position of members of civil society on the political situation in the Republic of Moldova 27.01.2012
Twenty years of independence have demonstrated that the process of building the Moldovan state is extremely difficult and far from being fulfilled. The unsettled Transnistrian conflict, the rush for citizenship of other countries, the exodus of citizens are just some symptoms of failure to implement the Moldovan statehood project.
Eastern Partnership Foreign Ministers Meeting Chair's conclusions. Council of the European Union. 13.12.2010. 13.12.2010
OSCE Statement of the Preliminary Findings and Conclusions. International Election Observation, R. of Moldova, Early Parliamentary Elections, 28 November 2010 30.11.2010
Conclusions on Eastern Partneship. Council of the European Union. 25.10.2010. 25.10.2010
U.S. Statement on EU Representative for Moldova at OSCE. 23.09.2010. 28.09.2010
United States Mission to the OSCEResponse to Kalman Mizsei,EU Special Representativefor the Republic of MoldovaAs delivered by Ambassador Ian Kellyto the Permanent Council, ViennaSeptember 23, 2010
Speech by Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Andrius Kubilius in Chisinau, Moldova during the opening of Lithuanian Aula at the Free International University of Moldova. ULIM. 27.01.2010. 28.01.2010
It is my first visit in this beautiful country so much alike to Lithuania: by its size and by its historical background. We have a common history which dates back to medieval ages. Lithuanian and Moldovan knights Vytautas and Alexander the Good established trade and personal ties, signed cooperation treaties and even fought the common enemies. Back then Lithuania was building cultural and political bridges to Europe via Moldova. I am very pleased to say that Lithuania and Moldova have been close partners 700 years ago as well as today. I wish that it remains so for many years to come. Our values and our interests must unite us and I believe that you will agree with me if I say that our goal is a United Europe.
MCC and Moldova Sign $262 Million Compact. Press Release, Millennium Challenge Corporation. 22 January, 2010. 22.01.2010
Washington, DC –Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Chief Executive Officer Daniel Yohannes and Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Iurie Leancă, today signed a five-year economic development agreement granting $262 million to Moldova for investment projects in irrigation infrastructure, high-value agricultural production, and road rehabilitation. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Prime Minister Vladimir Filat of Moldova presided at the signing held at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C.
Impact Assessment of the Republic of Moldova Participaion in the Regional Initiatives during 2008-2009. MFAIE. 04.01.2010. 04.01.2010
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project “Building Institutional Capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration”, has made a study on the Impact of the Regional Presidencies held by the Republic of Moldova during 2008-2009 years, managed by the international expert from Republic of Austria – Mr. Dietmar AIGNER.The evaluation process has ended with the presentation of the final Report within a meeting organized in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration on 16 December 2009. At the Meeting participated the representatives of over 20 ministries and sectoral institutions involved in the regional presidencies execution, as well as representatives of international donor community.In the beginning of the meeting, Mrs. Natalia GHERMAN, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, noted that the execution of the Presidencies on five consecutive regional organizations and initiatives has been a part of the European aspirations of our country and a specific objective of EU - Republic of Moldova Action Plan. The cooperation and interdependence on regional level is a useful exercise to participate in promoting the interests and European aspirations of our country. In the same time the active involvement in the Central and South-Eastern European processes has scored a significant advancement towards the valorification of the alignment objective to the values, principles and European standards.The international Expert appreciated the professionalism and effective contribution of the local officials involved in the exercise of regional mandates, both in the MFA as well as the relevant sectoral institutions. He also highlighted the limited capacity to absorb the funds available for Moldovan institutions and the lack of a strategic framework on implementation of the long term objectives. It was also made an inventory of actions to be taken at the central administration authorities in order to benefit from opportunities offered by regional cooperation.At the same time, experience so far shows that a number of political, economical, security and cultural issues can be better approached and settled in a relatively homogeneous framework, where there is certain cohesion and a common development experience. In this regard, the regions can provide the adequate framework to establish an effective mechanism of cooperation.The international donors have appreciated the work done in these years, its effectiveness and relevance, which leaded to some short-term visible results, noting the need to promote a medium-term strategies that will contribute both to strengthening cooperation in the region and inter-European connection broadening the geographical cooperation area towards the wider Black Sea region. Also, donor community representatives reiterated their intention to further support our state in accomplishing its declared objectives and aspirations.During 2008-2009, the Republic of Moldova has exercised the Presidencies in five consecutive regional organizations and initiatives: South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Central European Initiative (CEI), Multinational Advisory Group (MAG) of the Centre for Security Cooperation - RACVIAC (MAG RACVIAC), South East European Health Network (SEEHN) and regional arrangements CEFTA (Central European Free Trade Agreement).
Joint Statement, EU - Republic of Moldova Cooperation Council Brussels, 21 December 2009. Swedish Presidency of the European Union. 21.12.2009. 21.12.2009
The parties agreed to continue their efforts to bring the Republic of Moldova (hereafter referred to as Moldova) closer to the EU, acknowledging Moldova's European aspirations. They discussed the internal developments in Moldova and agreed on the importance of the ambitious reform-oriented agenda and of a stable political, social and economic situation in the country.
Statement by Mr. Iurie LEANCĂ, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, at the 17th OSCE Ministerial Council (Athens, 1-2 December 2009) 02.12.2009
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