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Shaping our NATO: Young Voices on the Warsaw Summit 2016.
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Our new policy workshop competition gives students and recent graduates the opportunity to reflect on the most pressing issues facing NATO today and to shape the future of the Alliance. Five winners will receive a trip to Berlin to present the collective ideas to decision-makers. is excited to announce a unique and stimulating competition that brings together a new generation from both sides of the Atlantic. We want promising students and young graduates to tell us their ideas on NATO: from increasing solidarity amongst its members, to suggesting ways that it should learn from its mistakes and adapt to change. The competition is part of's ongoing effort to empower young people in the transatlantic debate and develop solutions to important international issues through online collaboration.

The five winners of the competition will be offered a fully-covered trip to Berlin to present their ideas to eminent policy-makers and will become honorary fellows of the Atlantic Community. Furthermore, forty of the best candidates will have the opportunity to partake in our unique online policy workshops and draft a memo that will be presented to NATO representatives and decision-makers from the foreign and defense ministries.

Our competition has two components: either a short op-ed article of less than 1000 words or a three minute long video, where you propose your ideas on one of four topic areas. Shortlisted candidates will then participate in an online workshop where you will work with peers from throughout NATO member states to develop a memorandum for policy makers. You'll be asked both to defend your own position and arrive at a workable consensus, just like in a real policy-making process.

The competition is open to all citizens of NATO member countries aged 28 or younger.

Participants don’t have to be experts! We welcome new perspectives and bold ideas. The deadlines for submissions depend on the category chosen and range from June 19 to July 10, 2016.

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