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Newsletter nr.10. Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates 01.12.2016
The Newsletter is based on the radio programme broadcast on
November 21st, 2016, produced by the Foreign Policy Association
of Moldova in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). The
programme is broadcast on the Radio Moldova public channel.
The programme is part of the FES/APE “European Integration and
Foreign Policy Dialogues” Project. The content can be reproduced
by mentioning the source.
Materials can be taken without restriction but with the mentioning of the source
Frontiers of Democracy - Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine.
Moldova and Ukraine, countries of the European Union's Eastern Partnership program, are undergoing complex processes of democratic transformation, but with weak embeddedness of democratic values and principles drawbacks can occur. It is embeddedness that helps to overcome the challenges of transformation and pushes countries beyond mere frontiers of democracy towards becoming strongly committed democratic communities. The goal of this project is to facilitate embedding democratic values in the societal ethos, and thus to contribute to future successful consolidation in Moldova and Ukraine
Victor Chirila, Moldova – The Falling Star of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), APE/BST, 16.06.2015. 16.06.2015 // 451.926Kb
In the wake of the EaP Summit in Vilnius that took place on 28-29 November 2013, Moldova was considered the brightest star of the EaP. Its merits were evident. It initialed the Association Agreement (AA) including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Aria (DCFTA) with the EU concluded successfully the visa liberalization dialogue with the EU and the European Commission recommended to the EU Council the lifting of visa requirements for Moldovan citizens who hold biometric passports. Five months later, on 28 April 2014, the EU has liberalized visa regime with Moldova, then, on 27 June 2014, Moldova signed the
APE Policy Paper: The Transnistrian Settlement in Stalemate. APE/FEE. 25.05.2015 25.05.2015 // 329.392Kb
In 2014, the small-step policy of engagement with the Transnistrian administration has stalled. The consultations in the "5+2" format were discontinued and discussions on the political and security issues remained blocked. The sectorial cooperation between both banks has generally known no development. The joint working groups met without deciding anything substantial and their work agendas were dominated mainly by the conflicting issues. The situation in the security zone of the conflict continued to deteriorate, while the mutual recriminations between Tiraspol and Chisinau on sabotaging the dialogue have become increasingly common.
Victor Chirila: Towards a new European Neighbourhood Policy: A Moldovan perspective. APE/BST. 25.05.2015. 25.05.2015 // 282.596Kb
Moldova supports the ENP as a general policy framework for its members, nevertheless, it is pledging for a clear cut distinction between ENP’s South and East dimensions, between the Eastern Partnership and the Mediterranean Union, between the European and non-European neighbours of the EU. Moreover, past five year have shown that even the Eastern Partnership is not a monolithic group of countries, on the contrary, its members have different level of ambitions when it comes to the scope and depth of their domestic reforms and their relationships with the EU. Therefore, Moldova is pledging strongly for a deeper differentiation including
The new presidents of Bulgaria and Moldova are less pro-Russian than advertised.The Economist. 14.11.2016 11.11.2016
Victoria Bucataru of the Foreign Policy Association, a Moldovan think-tank, suspects that Mr Dodon and Mr Plahotniuc had “a secret alliance” to stop Ms Sandu and her reform agenda. She anticipates that Mr Dodon will follow his announced first visit to Moscow with a reassuring one to Brussels. His election pledges to tear up Moldova’s agreements with the European Union will be ignored, not least because—unlike Russia—the EU, its member countries and America give Moldova large amounts of aid. Ever since $1 billion was stolen from Moldova’s banking system in 2014 (probably by local oligarchs), the country has been dependent
Crisis in Moldova. A republic, if you can steal it. The Economist. 30.01.2016 01.02.2016
IN 1918 the then three-month-old Moldovan republic gave up the struggle for survival and united with neighbouring Romania. It is a sign of how dire things are today, says Iulian Fota, a Romanian analyst, that people are talking about doing so again. Ever since 2014, when the embezzlement of about $1 billion from three banks forced a taxpayer bail-out that has crippled the economy, the country has been lurching towards collapse. Opposition supporters are permanently encamped in front of the government building. Maia Sandu, a former education minister who is rushing to build a new party, says the situation could
Interview with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, to the Lithuanian website http://eurodialogue.org/ 13.07.2012
Nicolae Timofti: I mean a bridge for people, goods and ideas to cross it over. In the Republic of Moldova, we have experts and institutions which are familiar with both East and West. Hundreds of thousands of Moldovans have travelled in Western Europe during the last years and continue to travel. On the other hand, the Republic of Moldova was part of the former USSR and now it is part of CIS, thus, our fellow citizens could mediate, on the condition of launching some platforms in this sense, some projects, for example business or cultural, because they feel themselves comfortable
Statement by the Civil Society Representatives on the commitments made by the President of Moldova, Igor Dodon,
in Moscow 20.01.2017
On January 17-18, while paying an official visit to Moscow, Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of Moldova, made a series of reprehensible statements, which are in conflict with the constitutional provisions, override the national interests, deepen the social division, jeopardize the economic security of the country, seriously tarnish the image of Moldova as a responsible partner, and create tensions in our relations with all the other strategic partners of the country, particularly EU, Romania, and Ukraine.
Press Release, “Communicating Europe” task force group meeting, Chisinau, December 10, 2015 11.12.2015
In September 2015, the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova in partnership with Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies (Poland), Center for EU Enlargement Studies (Hungary), Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia), Association of International Affairs (Czech Republic), the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (Georgia), the Institute of World Policy and the financial support of the Visegrad Fund has launched a new project entitled “V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on implementing AA and DCFTA” .