Communicating the European vector in a period of political/financial crises and geopolitical interest in Moldova 24.06.2016
Chisinau, 24.06.2016The Foreign Policy Association has the pleasure to invite you to an experts workshop meant to discuss about the communication strategy during the implementation of the Association Agenda between the EU and Moldova.Although it was largely acknowledged the lack of a clear communication strategy regarding Moldova’s European development pattern as well as the role of EU in modernizing the country no concrete steps were undertaken in order to overcome the challenges. |
Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process 20.05.2016
Press Release On May 23, 2016 at 11:00 am at Europe House The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS)“Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process”The workshop will gather the Georgian experts and interested groups together to discuss the stage of Georgia’s relations with the EU after a year of AA/DCFTA implementation, with particular focus on implementation of the communication strategy, positive experiences and the main deficiencies in this regard. The main objective of the workshop is through discussion to draw out recommendations and accordingly enrich the Policy Paper drafted by GISS. |
Embedding Democratic Values: The Role of Civic Education and Media in Democratization. 17.03.2016
Democratization is a complex process that entails both critical choices of new institutions, and most importantly, the rooting of those institutions in the societal ethos. Most of the literature on democratictransition and consolidation has been dominated by the study of institutional crafting, especially in post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, where not only political but also economicand social institutions had to be created in the aftermath of the fundamental transformations starting to occur after 1989. However, the footprint of a healthy democracy cannot only be measured in terms ofinstitutional performance, but it has to include citizens’ engagement with the new institutions, and, in fact, a change of mentality that reflects their attachment to the new system. |
Integrarea valorilor democratice: Rolul educației civice și al mass-mediei în democratizare 17.03.2016
Democratizarea este un proces complex care presupune atât selectarea instituțiilor sistemului politic cât și integrarea acestor instituții în etosul societal. Cea mai mare parte a literaturii de specialitate în domeniul tranziției și consolidării democratice a fost dominată de studiul construcției instituționale, mai ales în cazul Europei Centrale și de Est, unde după 1989 s-au creat instituții noi care să reglementeze aproape orice aspect al realității, de la politic la economic și social. |