Newsletter nr. 10 (2016). Republica Moldova după alegerile prezidențiale 01.12.2016
Asociaţia pentru Politică Externă, împreună cu Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, vă propune un Newsletter pe subiecte de politică externă și integrare europeană a Republicii Moldova, elaborat în baza emisiunii radio ”Sinteze și Dezbateri de Politică Externă” . Emisiunea radio și Newsletter-ul sunt parte a proiectului comun "Dialoguri de politică externă".Materialele pot fi preluate fara restrictie cu mentionarea sursei |
Shaping our NATO: Young Voices on the Warsaw Summit 2016. 02.06.2016
Our new policy workshop competition gives students and recent graduates the opportunity to reflect on the most pressing issues facing NATO today and to shape the future of the Alliance. Five winners will receive a trip to Berlin to present the collective ideas to decision-makers. |
Workshop: Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process 24.05.2016
On May 23, 2016 at 11:00 am at Europe House,The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS)Held the Workshop “Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process”The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) held the workshop: “Communicating Europe in Georgiaduring the AA and DCFTA implementation” on May 23, 2016 at the Europe House.The workshop gathered Georgian experts to discuss the stage of Georgia’s relations with the EU after a yearof AA/DCFTA implementation, with particular focus on the implementation of the communication strategy,positive developments and main challenges in this regard. After initial presentation of project findings, theexperts shared their views and observations based on their own experience. GISS will incorporatepertinent observations and thoughts. |
Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process 20.05.2016
Press Release On May 23, 2016 at 11:00 am at Europe House The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) “Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process”The workshop will gather the Georgian experts and interested groups together to discuss the stage of Georgia’s relations with the EU after a year of AA/DCFTA implementation, with particular focus on implementation of the communication strategy, positive experiences and the main deficiencies in this regard. The main objective of the workshop is through discussion to draw out recommendations and accordingly enrich the Policy Paper drafted by GISS. |
Integrarea valorilor democratice: Rolul educației civice și al mass-mediei în democratizare 18.03.2016
Democratizarea este un proces complex care presupune atât selectarea instituțiilor sistemului politic cât și integrarea acestor instituții în etosul societal. Cea mai mare parte a literaturii de specialitate în domeniul tranziției și consolidării democratice a fost dominată de studiul construcției instituționale, mai ales în cazul Europei Centrale și de Est, unde după 1989 s-au creat instituții noi care să reglementeze aproape orice aspect al realității, de la politic la economic și social. |
Graduate Studies (MA) European Union – Russia Studies 09.03.2016
Now more than ever understanding the dynamic relations betweenRussia, the European Union, and its Eastern neighbours is fundamental to comprehend global developments in today’s changing world.This unique, multidisciplinary, MA programme provides students with the analytical tools and skills to grasp the political, historical, and economic developments in Russia, the European Union, and their shared neighbourhood. Students are involved in a dynamic process of active learning in which the focus on global developments combines academic quality and the most innovative teaching techniques. |
PISM is administering a NATO grant from the Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS) 20.01.2016
Kacper Rękawek, PISM analyst in the international security programme, has been awarded a NATO grant from the Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS) to organise the Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) “Not Only Syria? Foreign Fighters: A Threat To NATO Allies And Their Neighbours.” The workshop will be held on 18-20 May 2015 in Chisinau, Moldova. PISM is administering the grant and the Foreign Policy Association (APE) is PISM’s partner in the project. Kacper Rękawek will serve as co-director of the ARW along with Viktor Chirila of APE.PISM’s involvement with NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme continues Poland’s cooperation with NATO in the field of science. This is a third NATO ARW event which PISM administers. The proposed activity addresses the SPS Key Priority 1a), i.e. facilitation of mutually beneficial cooperation on issues of common interest, including international efforts to meet emerging security challenges like counter-terrorism, ii) Human factors in the defence against terrorism. It is closely connected with NATO’s core task of cooperative security, and the Alliance’s intentions of enhancing international security beyond its borders. |
Tbilisi Transformational Leadership Forum. Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies. 04.01.2016 04.01.2016
The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) is pleased to announce the call for applications for the Tbilisi Transformational Leadership Forum (TTLF) 2016.Open to: young professionals between 24 and 35 years old from Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and the following EU member states: Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Poland.Dates: 13-17 March, 2016, Tbilisi, Georgia and mid-April, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Eugen Tomac şi-a deschis birou parlamentar la Chişinău. RFI. 20.05.2013. 20.05.2013
Reprezentantul cetăţenilor români din Republica Moldova în Parlamentul României, Eugen Tomac, şi-a deschis la Chişinău primul său birou parlamentar. La ceremonia de inaugurare au fost prezenţi oficiali moldoveni, dar şi deputaţi români. Eugen Tomac a câştigat Colegiul 2 pentru românii din străinătate, cu aproape 80% din voturile cetăţenilor români din Republica Moldova. Despre menirea acestui birou şi cât de mult au nevoie cetăţenii români din Republica Moldova de ajutorul deputatului român, a discutat Valeria Viţu cu Eugen Tomac. |