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Prima / Noutăţi / A Lithuania’s invitation, a group of students from Moldova took part in the inaugural ceremony of the OSCE Chairmanship. Ministry of Foreifn Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. 13.10.2010.
A Lithuania’s invitation, a group of students from Moldova took part in the inaugural ceremony of the OSCE Chairmanship. Ministry of Foreifn Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. 13.10.2010.
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At the invitation of Lithuania that assumed the Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), a group of students from Moldova paid a visit to Vienna on 12-13 January. They met with representatives of the delegation of Lithuania’s Chairmanship in Vienna, the OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media.

The students had an opportunity to take part in the inaugural meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council of Lithuania’s OSCE Chairmanship and had a conversation with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Ažubalis.
A separate meeting was held with Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for Protracted Conflicts, Ambassador Giedrius Čekuolis, during which the Ambassador spoke about the priorities of Lithuania’s OSCE Chairmanship in the context of the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.

The visit of students from Chisinau and Tiraspol to Vienna was organized according to the programme of Lithuania’s OSCE Chairmanship, which aims to develop contacts and mutual confidence of people, youth especially, on both banks of the Dniester River.

The final stage of the implementation of the project “Development of youth contacts on both banks of the Dniester River” will be held at the Lithuanian Embassy in Moldova, where the participants of the project will discuss the opportunities and challenges of the promotion of mutual confidence and of the strengthening of people-to-people contacts in the societies on both banks of the Dniester River.

This project is implemented in cooperation with the Foreign Policy Association, a non-governmental organization of Moldova.

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Prima / Noutăţi / A Lithuania’s invitation, a group of students from Moldova took part in the inaugural ceremony of the OSCE Chairmanship. Ministry of Foreifn Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. 13.10.2010.
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