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Apply for Young Diplomacy Professionals Forum 2013!
Versiune tipar
The Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO) is pleased to announce that on September 6-7, 2013 we are organizing the third Rīga Conference Young Diplomacy Professionals Forum. This is invaluable opportunity for future leaders!

The Forum is an annual event taking place simultaneously with one of the leading foreign and security policy forums in Northern Europe for world renowned political, intellectual and business leaders - The Rīga Conference 2013. The forum is an addition to the conference with the aim to inform and involve young professionals.

We welcome to apply participants with diverse professional and educational backgrounds who share a strong interest in international relations, security and defence issues. All applications are subject to evaluation by a special committee and only selected candidates will participate at the Forum. Only young professionals between 18 and 35 will be selected.

This year, the Forum offers dynamic and active program, workshops, drafting of policy recommendations and networking with young professionals throughout the international community!

The Forum will give unique opportunity for 60 young, talented and motivated diplomats, journalists, politicians, state officials in-the-making throughout the international community to meet with the Riga Conference 2013 guests – world class decision makers, academics and experts.

Preliminary program of the Forum is available HERE.

There is no fee for participation at the Forum. Organizers will cover accommodation for three nights and catering during the Forum. Participants must arrange and cover travel to and from Riga by themselves, but reimbursement of travel expenses is available. Amount of the reimbursement will be decided case by case, after confirmed participants will provide organizers with document (ticket, invoice etc.) indicating the travel expenses.

Application form could be found at Application must be filled in by 2nd of August!

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the Coordinator of the Young Diplomacy Professionals Forum Ms. Elina Neimane e-mailing to!

Forum is organized by LATO. Thanks to our supporters – NATO Public Diplomacy Division, Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, European Commission Representation in Latvia, Soros Foundation – Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and Atlantic Treaty Association.

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Prima / Noutăţi / Apply for Young Diplomacy Professionals Forum 2013!
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