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Prima / Noutăţi / APE invites you to the 3rd EU - Moldova Forum (2014)
APE invites you to the 3rd EU - Moldova Forum (2014)
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APE invites you to the 3rd EU - Moldova Forum (2014)

The Foreign Policy Association (APE) in partnership with the Deutsch-Moldauisches Forum, Institute of Eastern Studies (ISW) from Poland and Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE)  invite you to the 3rd EU-Moldova Forum (2014), which will take place in Balti, Republic of Moldova, on 19-20 June 2014.

European Union Eastern Partnership Initiative intends to promote democratic and economic transformations of neighbouring countries. Political changes in Moldova prove that both, political elite as well as society are determined to enter the path of exchange, cooperation and integration with European policies:

The Forum will debate how is Moldova facing its specific political and economic challenges, which role can the EU play to support Moldova in defining and implementing its policies and how will Moldova’s foreign policy evolve and the Transnistrien conflict settled.

For the registration of the participants click here (

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Prima / Noutăţi / APE invites you to the 3rd EU - Moldova Forum (2014)
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