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Prima / Evenimente / Eastern Partnership Initiative between Vilnius and Riga
Eastern Partnership Initiative between Vilnius and Riga
Versiune tipar

Public presentation of preliminary results of AMO's research project Important, Forgotten or Irrelevant? Stakeholders' Survey On Post-Vilnius Eastern Partnershipsupported by the International Visegrad Fund. The presentation is a official side event of the6th annual meeting of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.


During summer and autumn 2014, AMO and partners in Visegrád and Eastern Partnership countries conducted the EaP-oriented survey aimed at important personalities (elites) from EaP countries, EU member states, EEAS, European Commission and European Parliament. The survey consisted of specific questions regarding the EaP's five years track-record and EaP's future prospects. It was sent out to relevant stakeholders (politicians, civil servants, diplomats, journalists, academicians, analysts and NGO workers).

The results should reveal frank evaluation of, and introduction of expectations on the post-Vilnius EaP. The purpose of the presentation in Batumi is to share the results with key stakeholders from the EU and EaP in order to get an expert feedback before publishing a comprehensive analysis based on the survey.


  • Vít Dostál, Director of the Research Center, Association for International Affairs - AMO, Czech Republic
  • Václav Lídl, Research Fellow, Association for International Affairs - AMO, Czech Republic


  • Leila Alieva, President, Center for National and International Studies, Azerbaijan (tbc)
  • Rebecca Murray, Research Fellow, Slovak Foreign Policy Association - SFPA, Slovakia
  • Agnieszka Słomian, Expert, The Kosciuszko Institute, Poland
  • Aliaksandr Filipau, Independent Expert, Belarus

Working language: English

Time and venue:
Thursday, November 20, 2014, 19:00 - 20:30
Radisson Blue Hotel, Ninoshvili st. 1, Batumi, Georgia


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Prima / Evenimente / Eastern Partnership Initiative between Vilnius and Riga
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