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Graduate Studies (MA) European Union – Russia Studies
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Now more than ever understanding the dynamic relations betweenRussia, the European Union, and its Eastern neighbours is fundamental to comprehend global developments in today’s changing world.

This unique, multidisciplinary, MA programme provides students with the analytical tools and skills to grasp the political, historical, and economic developments in Russia, the European Union, and their shared neighbourhood. Students are involved in a dynamic process of active learning in which the focus on global developments combines academic quality and the most innovative teaching techniques. Through continuous development, EURUS remains at the cutting-edge of studying EU-Russia affairs. Bridging academia and the “real world”, our programme emphasizes not only acquiring knowledge, but also applying it.

Why study EU-Russia studies at the University of Tartu?

Established in 2008, our programme is one of the first international programmes taught in English at the University of Tartu. It combines a long-standing tradition of assured quality with avocation to innovation and internationalization. The EURUS programme adopts innovative teaching techniques and emphasizes active learning via interactive teaching. Through one-on one-mentorship, we support the personal and academic development of each student. We highly value internationalization and aim to build a community of learners where a blend of cultures and traditions combines into a stimulating learning environment. In the 2014/15 academic year, we enrolled 15 students from 12 different countriesranging from United States to China, from Germany to Kazakhstan.With us you can meet the whole world in Tartu!


For more detailed info, please, click the link below:

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Prima / Noutăţi / Graduate Studies (MA) European Union – Russia Studies
str. Sciusev 64, MD-2012 Chisinau, Republica Moldova

Tel.: +373-22-224430, 210986
+373-22-210986, 233950
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