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Prima / Noutăţi / Press Release: Not Only Syria? Foreign Fighters: A Threat To NATO Allies And Their Neighbors. Workshop Chisinau, May 18-20, 2016
Press Release: Not Only Syria? Foreign Fighters: A Threat To NATO Allies And Their Neighbors. Workshop Chisinau, May 18-20, 2016
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Kacper Rękawek, The Polish Institute of International Affairs analyst in the international security programme, has been awarded a NATO grant from the Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS) to organise the Advanced Research Workshop (ARW):

Not Only Syria? Foreign Fighters: A Threat To NATO Allies And Their Neighbours.

The workshop will be held tomorrow with duration of 3 days from 18 to 20 May 2016 in Chisinau, Moldova.

The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) is administering the grant and the Foreign Policy Association (APE) is PISM’s partner in the project. Kacper Rękawek will serve as co-director of the ARW along with Victor Chirila of APE.

PISM’s involvement with NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme continues Poland’s cooperation with NATO in the field of science. This is 3rd NATO ARW event which PISM administers.

The proposed activity addresses the SPS Key Priority

1. Facilitation of mutually beneficial cooperation on issues of common interest, including international efforts to meet emerging security challenges like counter-terrorism

2. Human factors in the defence against terrorism. It is closely connected with NATO’s core task of cooperative security, and the Alliance’s intentions of enhancing international security beyond its borders.

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Prima / Noutăţi / Press Release: Not Only Syria? Foreign Fighters: A Threat To NATO Allies And Their Neighbors. Workshop Chisinau, May 18-20, 2016
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