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Workshop: Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process
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On May 23, 2016 at 11:00 am at Europe House,The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS)
Held the Workshop “Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process”

The Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) held the workshop: “Communicating Europe in Georgia
during the AA and DCFTA implementation” on May 23, 2016 at the Europe House.
The workshop gathered Georgian experts to discuss the stage of Georgia’s relations with the EU after a year
of AA/DCFTA implementation, with particular focus on the implementation of the communication strategy,
positive developments and main challenges in this regard. After initial presentation of project findings, the
experts shared their views and observations based on their own experience. GISS will incorporate
pertinent observations and thoughts.

The recommendations presented in the workshop:

  • To align   AA/DCFTA implementation policy decisions with communication strategy priorities - avoid making political decisions that undermine approximation process with EU (using association process as a smoke screen for unpopular domestic policies).

  •   Ensure consistent and coherent messaging from political leadership on EU-Georgia Association process - avoid misleading, incoherent and contradictory narrative. the overall process and is not jeopardized by inconsistencies related either to policy decisions of the government or statements of political leadership which contribute to negative perceptions on EU integration process or fit into the narratives promoted by Russian propaganda.

  • To develop a separate strategy on how to counter Russian propaganda.

  • Elaborate tailor made approach in communication strategy targeting the residents of occupied regions to increase awareness and attractiveness of Georgia's approximation with EU.  


  • Increase visibility and knowledge about success stories linked with AA/DCFTA implementation process


  • Expand activities directed at vulnerable groups (ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged) for developing inclusive, shared vision of the benefits of EU-Georgia integration process.


  • Enlarge efforts and coverage of AA/DCFTA related awareness raising activities across regions by applying targeted approach to individual administrative units (take into consideration their peculiarities, needs and interests).

  • Intensify efforts involving universities and schools to fully utilize their potential as a social multiplier. 


  • Align activities envisaged under the Action Plan with goals identified in the Communication Strategy. Long-term monitoring measures should be defined in order to assess the cost-effective value of the activities planned

  • Enhance established institutional framework aimed at coordination of efforts among various stakeholders as well as streamline the process of implementation of communication strategy. - increase common ownership of strategic communication process among all relevant public institutions (ministries, individual agencies).

  • Ensure engagement of civil society organizations on a systemic basis by organizing meetings dedicated to strategic communication in the process of AA/DCFTA implementation. Currently it takes place on an ad hoc basis, which limits potential for closer and effective coordination.

To read more visit:

More information about the project can be found on the project website:

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Prima / Noutăţi / Workshop: Communicating Europe in Georgia during the AA and DCFTA implementation process
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