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Prima / Proiecte / Dialoguri Transnistrene 2010-2011 / Activităţi
Toate / 2011 / 2010
Agenda, Policy Seminar: Regional Cooperation - an opportunity for promoting cooperation between local authoritiesfrom both banks of Dniester/Nistru River. Odesa, 25-26 februarie 2011. 01.03.2011
Agenda of the Policy Seminar: The Role of Banking Sector in Developing Small and Medium Enterprises on both banks of Dniester/Nistru River. APE. 11.02.2011. 18.02.2011
Prima / Proiecte / Dialoguri Transnistrene 2010-2011 / Activităţi
str. Sciusev 64, MD-2012 Chisinau, Republica Moldova

Tel.: +373-22-224430, 210986
+373-22-210986, 233950
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